2. Programmed
learning Computer
assisted learning(CAI) Problem Solving
5. 3. This can be when you need to develop new
opportunities, where you want to improve the service that you offer, or when
existing approaches just aren't giving you the results you want.v It is particularly helpful when you need to
break out of stale, established patterns of thinking, so that you can develop
new ways of looking at things. v Brainstorming is a group creativity technique that was designed
to generate a large number of ideas for the solution of a problem. vBRAINSTORMING:
7. 4. The expected result is a dynamic synergy that will
dramatically increase the creativity of the group.q There are four basic rules in brainstorming.
These are intended to reduce the social inhibitions that occur in groups and
therefore stimulate the generation of new ideas. q Used with your team, it helps you bring the
experience of all team members into play during problem solving q
9. 5. Problem Solving Method:
11. 6. Whit this method,teachers aim is to raise a youth
which can solve problems in scientific way not just creating problems. This method helps students to gain the
ability of scientific problem solving and using it in the every area of life. OBJECTIVES
13. 7. This method is used in the process of solving a
problem to generalize or to make synthesis. It contains scientific method,critical
thinking,taking decision,examining and reflective thinking. Problem solving is a process to choose and
use the effective and benefical tool and behaviours among the different
potentialities to reach the target. WHAT IS PROBLEM SOLVING METHOD?
15. 8. STEPS OF PROBLEM SOLVING PROCESS 1-Choosing the topic
and emergence of problem. 2-Delimitation of the problem. 3-Planning the
application. 4-Preparing the working guide. 5-Providing the sources.
6-Examining the problem. 7-Getting a conclusion. 8-Disputating the topics,views
and findings.
17. 9. It provides students to face the problems boldly and
to deal with it in a scientific approach. It helps to improve the sense of
responsibility of students. It makes students to be interested in learning. It provides students o gain scientific view
and thinking. It habituates student to study regularly and organized. It provides the active participation of the
students in teaching-learning activity.
20. 10. It helps students to adopt the idea of not to be
hurry to make a dec It improves the ability of making proposes and putting forward
the hypothesis. It predicates the learning to a more logical and doughty
foundation. It helps students to adopt the view of
benefit from others ideas and to help each other. ision.
22. 11. Evaluating the learning can be difficult. It can be diffucult for students to provide
the materials and sources which is required for solving the problem. It can load some worldly burdensomes to
students. It is not possible to apply this method to
all disciplines. It takes too much time. DISADVANTAGES OF PROBLEM SOLVING METHOD
It is like teaching with discovering method.Cases are observed carefully.The
similarities and dissimilarities are found.Then you can reach the general rule
or law with the techniques "generalization" or "making
abstract" from the similarities.
26. 13. B) DEDUCTION It is reverse of induction
technique.Some general laws and rules which are reached before are given to the
students and want them to apply this method to different singular case.The
convenience of it to the one of the case is controlled mentally.
28. 14. Computer Assisted Learning CAI
30. 15. What is Computer Assisted Learning? Computer-assisted
learning (CAL) is an approach to teaching and learning in which computer
technology is used as an aid to the presentation, reinforcement and assessment
of material to be learned, usually including a substantial interactive element.
32. 16. The use of computers in education shifts the focus
away from the teacher to the students themselves who learn through
experimentation on the computer with the teacher acting only as a guide.
Difference between traditional classroom learning and Computer Assisted
Learning The traditional teaching environment is a
classroom: a single teacher giving lectures to a group of students who are
expected to use their notes and textbook to prepare for periodic examinations
and demonstrate their mastery of the subject. Traditional Teaching vs. CAL
34. 17. Traditional Teaching vs. CAL Differences between
traditional classroom learning and Computer Assisted Learning
36. 18. CAL is very useful in the realm of remedial
education. The use of computers in this manner frees
faculty members or training coordinators to devote more time to the personal,
human considerations of their students. Reinforcement of learning in such situations
is immediate and systematized. It allows the learner to proceed at his own pace. It involves any student actively in the
learning process. Advantages of CAL
38. 19. The cost of hardware, CAL course materials
(courseware), and individuals to help implement the process. The diversity of computing hardware and CAL
languages compete with little apparent coordination from professionals in the
educational world. The need for teachers and training directors to move from
accepted methods that work to a new and relatively untried method.
39. Disadvantages of CAL
41. 20. Programmed learning, educational technique
characterized by self-paced, self-administered instruction presented in logical
sequence and with much repetition of concepts. Programmed learning received its
major impetus from the work done in the mid-1950s by the American behavioral
psychologist B.F. Skinner and is based on the theory that learning in many
areas is best accomplished by small, incremental steps with immediate reinforcement,
or reward, for the learner. This technique can be applied through texts,
so-called teaching machines, and computer-assisted-instruction. No matter what
the medium, two basic types of programming are used: linear, or straight-line
programming, and branching programming.Programmed learning
42. 21. All students work through the same sequence, and a
low rate of error is necessary to ensure continued positive reinforcement of
correct responses.vEach bit of learning is presented in a “frame,” and a student
who has made a correct response proceeds to the next frame. vResponses that do not lead toward the goal go
unreinforced. vLinear programming immediately reinforces student responses that
approach the learning goal. v
43. 22. A student who selects correctly advances to the next
frame in the program. This process is repeated at each step throughout the
program, and a student may be exposed to differing amounts of material
depending upon errors made.vA student who responded incorrectly will either be returned to
the original frame, or routed through a subprogram designed to remedy the
deficiency indicated by the wrong choice. vThis technique provides the student a piece of
information, presents a situation requiring a multiple choice or recognition
response, and on the basis of that choice instructs the student to proceed to
another frame, where he or she learns if the choice was correct, and if not,
why not. vBranching, or intrinsic, programming, was
initially developed in conjunction with the use of an electronic training
device for military personnel. v
44. 23. THANK
Manisha Rani
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